
Mark Lockheart Group

This brand new group explores Mark’s multi-faceted outlook on music through a new set of original compositions plus a few older ones for good measure and even a Duke Ellington tune. Urgent and exciting grooves and improvising all cleverly crafted together within Lockheart’s unique but memorable tunes . Wide ranging influences from Ellington, Shorter, Gil Evans, John Zorn, Burt Bacharach and even Kraftwerk.

“From Loose Tubes to Polar Bear and beyond, Lockheart’s capacity to be ahead of the jazz cure is undeniable. In this new band his combination of lyrical economy and harmonic creativity has found three improvisatory soulmates who clearing know how to make the most of his compositions in their own terms” . Jazzwise magazine

In association with West Midlands Jazz Network

23rd April 2020 
Doors 7.30pm – Stage 8.00pm
Tickets £6 Conc. (under 18s/Students), £10 Adv, £12 Door

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